Our Services for Lawyers


Our services are focused on you as an individual whether you are an existing or aspiring partner or part of a team. Whatever your specialism and wherever you are based in Germany, you can be assured of an attentive ear and complete confidentiality.

Our key aim is to get to know you and identify your goals. It is our job to help present you in the best possible light and to differentiate you as a lawyer both on paper and in person.

Our comprehensive service ranges from guidance on drafting your CV/deals list and business plans through to helping you prepare for interviews. We provide you with a full market appraisal and advice on remuneration as well as identifying specific opportunities. We are with you at every step of the way and offer you as much help and input in the process as you would like.

A major advantage of having been a pioneer in the German legal search market is our access to the key decision makers in international and independent law firms thus enabling access to the right contacts from the outset.

Please call us to find out how we can help you.